Clipboart® - wall mount for Mountainbikes

Wall mount for mountainbikes

Bracket for space-saving angled mounting:
In this version, the wall bracket is made of sturdy multiplex in white. The beautiful structure of the multiplex wood can be seen from the side. A transparent aryl plate is attached to the wall so that the tires do not leave any marks on the wall. An eyebolt is attached to the center of the wall so that the bike can be fixed in the area of the seat post with the enclosed strap and carabiner.

This design variant is currently one of the most stable on the market.


The bracket can be individually adjusted to the tire thickness. For thin tires (racing bikes), simply remove one of the spacer plates.

49,00 €

39,00 €

  • nur noch begrenzte Anzahl vorhanden
  • Wir haben Urlaub: Ware wird leider erst ab 10.09.24 verschickt.

You can also find the right wall mount for your helmet here.